Sunday, April 29, 2012

What this Blog is About

The Problem:
It is time to review what this blog is about. Rather than having a detailed aspect of the idea in every blog, one wants to see the proposed changes in one place.

confusion quotes confused dog koala

The Solution and the Transition:
Since we all think and remember in different ways, the next few blogs will provide the key ideas behind this blog in different formats. This post will use a table to compare the current situation with the democracy proposed by this blog.

All citizens elect representatives to Parliament

Elections and Parliament are no longer needed
All citizens or parliament elect the executive.

Elections and the executive are no longer needed
Parliament or executive propose new laws
Each member of parliament can start a blog where followers can propose and debate laws publicly.  
Any citizen can propose a new law on the “National Facebook”. This law will be tabled for discussion if it gets at least 2% of all citizens have “liked” the proposal.
Parliament debates new laws
Any citizen can post an opinion about the proposed law on the “National Facebook”. Amendments can be proposed and “liked”. Opinions or coalitions of opinions can be posted and “liked”. The cost of implementation (taxes) is part of the discussion.
Parliament votes to approve new laws
Each Member of Parliament can vote in line with the majority of her followers.
A random sample of citizens votes for the law after reviewing the 10 most popular opinions on the “National Facebook”.
Parliament debates and approves the budget
Transparency of the national budget can be improved by stating the cost by public service.
A National Budget is no longer needed. The cost of a new law are discussed and agreed when the law is discussed.
The Public Administration implements laws and programs
Privatisation is complicated and only mixed results have been achieved but we have to keep trying until we get it right.
Private companies bid to implement the law and are allowed to raise the “taxes” to pay for the implementation. Other companies bid to review performance, handle complaints and audit the books.
Parliament controls the implementation of laws and budgets.
Each member of parliament can start a complaint and investigation website where citizens can submit their issues and concerns.
Any citizens can launch a complaint about the executive on the “National Facebook”. An independent company normally handles complaints. If 1% of all citizens “liked” the complaint, the executive concerned needs to provide an official answer. If 1% of all citizens to not like the answer, a prosecutor or auditor investigates the case and brings charges if sufficient proof exists.
Success is measured on the basis of economic growth.
Every citizen can start a discussion on the definition of happiness.
Success is measured on the basis of gross national happiness.

In line with the principles of agile change, the transition does not have to be focused. The goal is to make the political system increase the happiness of the 99%. A common goal and a plethora of trials and errors. Applause if several solutions are developed for the same problem. It can start now. Just do it!

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